Monday, September 8, 2008

6034 km to Dawson !

So we have now been on the road for 1 week. There have been entirely too many places and things seen to go into every story.

I am constantly reminded and amazed at the beauty of this country. I have been to BC many times and have driven through rogers pass through the southern Canadian rockies but I have never been this far north. I feel like its a Canadians little secret up here. There are no tourist not crowds, just hard working locals and Amazing beauty.

I am writing now from Whitehorse Yukon. We have a nice day and ahalf here after 7 days of solid driving. The last 2 days were espicaly difficult comming up the Alaska Highway through the mountains. I don't want to go to crazy into detales because well i'm not a writer. I'm alot more of a visual person. So here are 2 galleries you can look through

and well there will be more to come.


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