Monday, September 8, 2008

Check 1, 2, sibilance, hey hey, 1, 2.

So day 1 not in the truck provided an excellent opportunity to get our bearings.
I cruised around Whitehorse on my BMX, up and down the Yukon River experiencing the northern and southernmost points of the Whitehorse City limits. Motivated by Sean's earlier experience viewing a Salmon and Bald Eagle in action.
I also found out that Saskatchewan Politicians are known to be boisterous in the sight of a good Philadelphia roll. mmm de-lish.

I met a fellow when I was getting an oil change today who had much interest in the SMARTRISK Heroes program. He was an electrician who grew up and lived in Toronto. He rejoiced in the salvation Whitehorse has provided him and his family. He was happy we made the trip.

Sean, your camera is the shizznit.

On to Dawson City and a severed mummified toe tomorrow.

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